30 November 2013

why I'm not here

One day, last August, I switched my computer on and found that something had changed. I suddenly realised that I was craving silence, with an intensity that startled me. I'd become increasingly less tolerant of the tumult of the web (blogs! Twitter! news sites!) and had to step back for a little while, otherwise I might lose my balance altogether.

I needed quiet not only around me, but also from myself. There's so much noise out there — too much noise already for me to wish to add to it.

I closed those tabs and windows there and then. I cleared my feed reader of all but the few blogs where I feel at home. I turned down the volume. Thus far, it's been wonderful.

I've stopped feeling the need to keep up with the world. I don't have any urge to be informed of everything that's happening on this mad planet of ours.

I don't know if or when I'll return to this little corner of the web, but for the moment, there's somewhere else my head would rather be.

So what's up with me? I'm well, and so is Rebus, who is currently on a diet (on his vet's recommendation). I'm spending much of my time thinking, cooking, listening to a few radio programmes, making my apartment more of a home at long last. Yes, I've kept up with my Women Writers Reading Group commitment to read and purchase only books written by women this year, but am looking forward to reading O'Brian and Dickens and Thackeray and Trollope and Lamb and Balzac soon... I'm also corresponding with a few lovely people I first got to know online; I'd forgotten what a joy it is to receive a real letter in my physical mailbox, to hold the envelope in my hands, to choose which ink and stamp to use in my reply.

It's still a little early, but I'm told it's better than being late... so here goes:

I wish you happy end-of-year festivities, filled with all of the good things you deserve!


  1. Joyeuses Fêtes à toi également! Ça doit faire du bien effectivement de prendre congé du Web. C'est ce que je fais quand je suis en vacances, et c'est bien agréable.

    Cherches-tu des recommandations d'auteures? J'ai lu récemment Rien ne s'oppose à la nuit de Delphine de Vigan et j'avais vraiment aimé.

  2. Despite the fact that I enjoy reading a variety of blogs, yours included, I don't blame you at all. I don't write a blog, don't do facebook, twitter or any of the 'sharing' sites. I do read online news, but only once a day.
    I worry about how young people are getting so caught up in online life and how a facility which could be and is used for tremendous good, also enables people to sink to a collective low. Every week there seem to be new cases of young people who just could not cope with the pressures of modern life.
    Opting out from time to time seems to be a very healthy choice!

  3. I've missed you. But I totally understand. Sometimes I long for the days of letter writing . . .

  4. Much love to you Danielle! xoxo


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